Recycling via deflation.
Apply Krylov subspace method to \[ P_i A_i x_i = P_i b_i, \] where \(P_i\) is
automatic selection of deflation vectors
perturbation theory for
Note: no restrictions on symmetry or definiteness.
If \(U\) spans an \(A\)-invariant subspace, then things are easy. But not much is known if \(U\) is only an approximation.
Let \(A=A^*\), \(U^*U=I\), \(R=AU-U(U^*AU)\), \(\Lambda(U^*AU)=\{\mu_1,\dots,\mu_m\}\) and \(\Lambda(QA) =\{0\}\cup\{\hat{\lambda}_1\leq\dots\leq\hat{\lambda}_{N-m}\}\).
For an appropriate ordering (*) of the eigenvalues \(\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_N\) of \(A\), we have \[ |\lambda_i - \hat{\lambda}_i|\leq\nrm{R}^2 \left(\frac{1}{\delta_i} + \frac{1}{\mu_{\min}} \right), \] where \(\delta_i:=\min_{j=1,\dots,m}|\lambda_i-\mu_j|>0\).
(*) Technical (but explicitly given) ordering is omitted here.
Remember: we solve sequences of linear systems!
The data that is generated in the solution of one linear system reveals much more than just Ritz vectors!
We apply GMRES to \[ QAx=Qb, \qquad\text{where}\qquad Q=I-AU(U^*AU)^{-1}U^*.\] \(\lra\) Arnoldi relation \(QAV_n=V_{n+1}\underline{H}_n\).
We choose a basis \(W=[V_n,U]\widetilde{W}\in\C^{N,k}\) of the new deflation subspace.
An Arnoldi relation for \(K_i(Q_WA,Q_Wb)\) is usually not available.
But an Arnoldi relation for a perturbed matrix and initial vector is available!
The Hessenberg matrix \(\widehat{H}_n\) of the constructed Arnoldi relation reveals the GMRES residual norms for \((Q_WA+F_i)\widehat{x}=Q_Wb+f\).
Goal: bound GMRES residual norms for \(Q_WAx=Q_Wb\).
All is not lost: recent results by Sifuentes, Embree and Morgan (2013) for a perturbed matrix; generalized for a perturbed right hand side (G. 2014).
Selection of further results in the thesis:
Subject to further work:
\(\theta_{\max}(\vsV,\vsW):=\arcsin\|P_\vsV-P_\vsW\|\) is the maximal canonical angle between \(\vsV\) and \(\vsW\).
$$ S: \begin{cases} \mathcal{X} \longrightarrow \mathcal{Y}\\ \psi \mapsto (K+V+g|\psi|^2)\psi \end{cases} $$ where
Nonlinear Schrödinger equation with: